Friday, 31 August 2012

A Walk in the Woods...

Back to School? How did that happen? I've barely worn my flip flops..

I've been playing with transparent leaves. I particularly like these ones

They're a nice big size, really lightweight and in a nice versatile mix. I made some more 'impatient jewellery' with the leaves and just a few other charms and jumprings.

What's impatient jewellery? Well, it needs to take 10 minutes or less to make, have no fiddly bits and use less than 6 different components. I don't know if madcowbeads did invent the phrase, but I'm claiming it as my own anyway... 

Here's the instructions, if you'd like to have a go!

To make the Woodland Kilt Pin you need:

Open a 7mm jump ring and attach a leaf and a charm to each one
Thread onto the loop on the kilt pin and close the jump ring
Attach to your coat and wear :-)

The other 2 items are made in a very similar way:

To make the Bag Dangle, open 4 7mm jump rings and thread a transparent leaf onto 3 of them and a charm of your choice onto the 4th

Open the ring on a mobile lariat, thread on all 4 jump rings and close the ring up.
Attach to your make up bag, handbag, zipper etc and wave about with pride!

To make the Jangly Pendant open 4 7mm jump rings and thread a single leaf onto 2 of the rings. Close one ring and thread onto the other. Close the second ring. You have 2 leaves, connected with 2 rings. On the 3rd jump ring, thread on a charm of your choice and a transparent leaf and close the ring
Thread both dangles onto the 4th jump ring and then thread on a twisted ring

This looks pretty on a ribbon necklace, or wax cord,  or a pendant chain. It's lightweight and lovely!

Hope you enjoyed your impatient jewellery making. I thought these would be great projects to make for fundraisers. 

1 comment:

Taexalia said...

"Impatient jewellery" - I love it :)