In between making sure the stock control 'thing' for the madcowbeads website was behaving itself today, I whipped up some really quick projects. Same rules as last time - no specialist tools, only cheap things, less than 5 components, all under £1.
Anyhow - hope you like the bead project ideas. I did think that they might be nice for teacher presents, or end of school keepsakes. :-)
Bookmark - perfect bead project for newbies, kids & the impatient!
What you need:
Squiggle Bookmark Blank
Beads & Charms (I used lilac fimo, and a daisy) - these look better with a couple of beads rather than loads. Choose any beads you like, but remember the hole needs to be about 1.2mm
1mm wax cord
Scissors (you probably have some in your kitchen drawer)
Superglue, or clear nail varnish
Cut about 25cm of wax cord and thread it through the loop on the bookmark. Level up the ends a bit and then tie both cords together in a knot. Aim for about 1cm under the loop.
Tie a knot in one cord about 7 cm away from the first knot and thread on your bead. Tie another knot in the end and pull as tight as you can. Snip off end.
Trim the other cord to the length required and tie on the charm with a reef knot (square knot)
Make sure this knot is pulled as tight as you can. Hold it tight and dot a little clear nail varnish or glue onto the knot. Leave to dry. When dry, snip off the end neatly. Voila! One cute book mark that costs less than 70p (and that's if you don't have odd beads and charms to use)
Keyring - again really quick and easy with minimum hassle, great for beginners or kids crafts
What you need:
Keyring clip
foldover end
A few beads - your choice. I used a green lentil bead, 2 floral bead caps and a cute haircomb charm
If you can possibly find some flat nose pliers (even electrical ones!) then the foldover clasp part is made a lot easier. If you don't have any, then use something solid to press in the clasp - I have been known to use the edge of a marble chopping board(!)
Method:Cut about 15 - 20cm of wax cord. Thread on your charm.
Push the charm to approximately half way along the cord and then tie both cords together.
Thread on your beads, knotting tightly between each one.
Cut the cord to length and attach your foldover end. Press down on each side in turn, making sure the end is as tight and flat as possible
Thread clip and foldover onto the 2omm ring. Alternatively, thread a split ring onto the foldover and attach to the 20mm ring. (more flexible and will last longer)
I hope these quickies give you lots of project ideas!
Have a lovely weekend
Best wishes
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